The sickle you remember from your dreams may refer to emotional unraveling, an attempt to deceive you, or missing out on new opportunities. A person worthy of your trust will deceive you or mislead you. The sickle is a symbol of hard physical labor and unnecessary fear, which should be overcome as soon as possible. The adage says that no work dishonors. So, if in a dream you are working with a sickle you are sure to reap the lavish fruits of your labor.

What does it mean to dream about Sickle?
The sickle motif in dreams is associated with problems that are difficult to solve without the help of loved ones. The struggle for a better future is usually the result of teamwork. Therefore, it is good to ask for valuable advice from trusted and experienced people.
Broken sickle
A broken sickle can augur setbacks in business transactions. Loss of control over many aspects of your life can contribute to the deterioration of cooperation with existing contractors. When a broken sickle appears in your daydreams, you'd better be extra careful in your relationships with strangers.
Dull sickle
When you dream that your sickle is dull and you can't work with it, then through your patience you will solve many more problems than you think. A very dull sickle can arouse very extreme emotions, over which you can easily fall into a bad mood and lose your temper. You may be especially unhappy with your overly hasty and ill-considered actions.
Sharpening the sickle
Few people like the sound of sharpening because it is difficult to bear. Some plug their ears others walk away to avoid hearing it. The dream reveals that you will have to find a simpler solution to some matter that will seem quite complicated. If you dream that you see others sharpening the sickle, it may mean that others are feeding you lies and pretending to be your friends and in reality, they hold a grudge against you.
Cutting yourself with a sickle
The meaning of this dream may not be simple. It may herald gossip or the conclusion of favorable deals and agreements. You need to be careful about what you say, as every word will be analyzed in detail by your surroundings and passed on to other people. Otherwise, you will suffer the consequences of your irresponsible actions.
Cleaning the sickle
When you dream that you clean the sickle for women, it indicates a lack of acceptance from other women. In the case of men, the dreamer gives a different explanation. Cleaning the sickle means that it is not worth it, to pay too much attention to unimportant details because it will be difficult to see the larger problem in the end.
Finding a sickle
Dreams about finding a sickle report that your ideas and work will bring you great results. Therefore, the dreamer suggests that finding a sickle is associated with obstacles on the path of life. The most important thing is that you choose your business associates properly, because they may become your opponents at some point.
Dreaming about working with a sickle
Usually augurs in dreams that incompetent people will start pulling you away from your work. If you want your efforts to pay off for you, try to prevent some from sabotaging your work. Fulfilled requests will turn into mutual trust and friendship in the future. Taking out your frustrations on loved ones for your failures is not a good solution. The dreamer tells you to learn to fight your fears and low self-esteem and you will succeed in improving once-damaged relationships.
Receiving a sickle as a gift
When someone in a dream gives you a sickle it is a bad omen. It signifies a loss of physical strength, and vitality and also a deterioration of your health, including the deterioration of good relationships with those around you. You may disagree with your best friend soon. It's high time to listen to your reason and not deal with other people's problems. When seeing other people cleaning the sickle symbolizes working with difficult untrustworthy people in the long run.
Sickle in mystical dream book
To see a sickle means that you should take any earnings as seriously as possible.
When you dream that you use it for work it augurs small profits from strenuous work.
Cutting yourself with a sickle is associated with an omen that false friends will come your way.
Buying a new sickle in a dream augurs prosperity on your farm.
An old or rusty sickle augur's numerous failures in life.